I am currently taking the CodingPhase HTML Email Developer Course. Even though, I’m studying frontend web development, I fell in love with email development and landed my first freelance client.
This is how it is so far being an email developer.
Week 1
The first thing I learned from Week 01 is to go back and review HTML5 and CSS3 code. This is a must if you are going to be a email developer. I’m halfway through CodingPhase Timeline.
CodingPhase Timeline is great a resource.
I didn’t forget HTML5 and CSS3, but you sometimes forget the little things like how to I make text uppercase. I think it’s text-something. I had to go back and reread all of my notes on HTML5 and CSS3 until I drilled most of it in my head.
Week 2
This is my second week as a freelance email developer and I master time management.
My life works like this:
- 40 hour work week
- 10 hours a week on studying on CodingPhase
- Wife
- Some sort of social life
With all of these things, I had to learn time management. I had deadlines to meet for my client and if I didn’t meet them then I would loose my first freelance client and I didn’t want that. So, I set 1 hour each day to work on my client’s email designs for his weekly newsletter. I also learned how to use the Pomodoro technique to become more focused and get more done.
Week 3
In my third week, I learned the most important skill of all.
I wanted to do some cool new CSS3 features I read in Web Developer magazine. I thought these features would look great in this weeks newsletter for my client.
However, some email clients do not support the newest CSS3 features. By doing some research, I was able a workaround and still create a killer newsletter for my client.
In the past 3 weeks, I learned a lot about email development but more importantly how to better serve my clients through better time management and research.
Thanks for reading,
Ivan Hurt
HTML Email Developer
P.S. If you want to learn Salesforce Marketing Cloud and elevate your Email Developer career like I did, check out SuperMums Salesforce Marketing Cloud Training, authorized Salesforce Training Provider.